- Develop a core of excellence in the fields of Competitive and Strategic Intelligence for the different areas of the Organization.
- Train specialists in the research, processing, analysis and dissemination of strategic information required for the development of the Organization and its territories.
Admission requirements
Access to the Master’s program is open to holders of :
- a diploma in computer science from the École des Sciences de l’Information, or any other diploma recognized as equivalent, with an overall average over the four years of at least 12/20.
- a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science, economics, management and business, or law. A minimum overall average of 12/20 over the years of study (three years of continuous study in the same field).
Career opportunities
- Head of a Strategic Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Strategic Watch or Knowledge Management (KM) Center
- Competitive Intelligence Analyst
- Competitive Intelligence Auditor
- Knowledge Manager
- Information Architect
- Strategic Intelligence or Knowledge Management network/system coordinator (consultant or expert)
Training program
Two years of study (initial education in 4 semesters, 24 modules, 6 of which are reserved for the final dissertation – MFE).
- Environnement international : économie de l’information et de la connaissance à l’ère du digital
- Intelligence économique: les fondements
- Analyse stratégique des organisations
- Management de l’information et veille
- Initiation à la statistique, analyse de données et aide à la décision
- Business English
- Environnement international et compétitivité : mondialisation, risques et menaces
- Intelligence économique en pratique
- Management de l’information et des connaissances
- Analyse économique
- Information : droit, éthique et déontologie
- Communication institutionnelle et communication de crise
- Dimensions autres de l’Intelligence : territoriale, juridique, culturelle…
- Géo-économie et prospective
- Protection et défense du patrimoine informationnel et des connaissances
- Influence et contre-influence
- Stratégie et opérations d’influence
- Méthodologie de recherche
- Stage et Mémoire de fin d’études (MFE)